embrace your worth

Get my free guided meditation

Start your day with a soothing reminder of your innate worth and take its energy with you thoughout your day.

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    The emotional benefits of meditation can include:

    • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
    • Building skills to manage your stress
    • Increasing self-awareness
    • Focusing on the present
    • Reducing negative emotions
    • Increasing imagination and creativity
    • Increasing patience and tolerance

    Mayo Clinic

    What you get:

    The Worthy Meditation is a soothing seven minute process that guides you through affirmations about your innate worth, unleashing its positive energy, which remains with you all day.

    What is it all about?

    Although we're all born worthy, many of us have forgotten this powerful truth.

    Forgetting that you're worthy shows up as unworthiness, which informs how you move through life. Unworthiness has you settling instead of manifesting your best life. Unworthiness makes going to a job you hate seem noble because it pays the bills. Unworthiness convinces you to remain in an unhealthy relationship because it's better than being alone.

    The Worthy Meditation helps you remember that you're worthy.